Many people have this perception that they need to look a certain way to get places in life. While there is some truth to that, I believe it is how they get to that place that is most important.
A typical person looking to lose weight will walk into a dietitian’s office and say “write me out exactly what I have to eat and I will follow it so I can lose the weight I want.” That plan may work for some, but a lot of times it will usually backfire on the client if they stray off the “eaten path.” Diet is not just about what we eat but it is about the choices we make for ourselves. Being able to acknowledge and pinpoint certain behaviors an individual has with their eating habits, whether it is emotional or physical, is the first point that needs to be addressed before starting any diet. Lifestyle changes need to be made to successfully reach any goal weight.
I am writing this blog for all those out there that not only need proper food choices, but also how to live your life normally without having to restrict yourself, living a full life. This blog is not about concentrating a bunch of nutrition principles and throwing it all at you at once. This blog is about taking small modest steps getting to a place where an individual feels comfortable with their eating habits.
Hopefully what I have to say will help readers develop new behaviors and lifestyle changes.
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